Sunday, April 21, 2024

Nightly Noise & Newsletter



I am slowly trying to make this page something like a landing page for me and my life. If you want to follow my weekly writing, please sign up for my Substack newsletter!

Whether it's technical ineptitude or an appeal to my unwillingness to change, I've decided to at least try and make this old Nightly Noise more relevant to my current life.

As such, I'll leave it up but hopefully in a way that's less confusing than it has been for the past decade. I'll leave the archive up and may add more to this front page post if I can make it look better as a portfolio, but for now I'm looking to keep it bare bones.

Hopefully, this will lead to some kind of positive impact - I can only hope that translates into favoring searchability and eventually leads to more people reading my books.

Otherwise, I hope you like the new look.

Until next time.



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